Sunday, March 25, 2012

Enter, Sunday (New Music)

Well, I felt like setting things into motion with this then. I have plans to make some new music in the upcoming days, and I sorta would like to have Pt. 2 of my recent song, "This Faithful Night" be completed before April pops up. The first part basically revolved around simple things I saw on a walk I took during the night. I walked through our little town here, and I saw things that sorta made my mind click into gear. I meant for the song to be light and simple, with the following parts changing and breathing new emotion from this "story". 

I had some music with me along this trip, and I abused songs from Wild Nothing, Youth Lagoon, Thanksgiving, and Tara Jane O' Neil. This combination just seemed to jump start me into a song. Things can just really get you goin' when you spend a long dark night by yourself. All in all, expect some new music coming from Digital Dog Party.


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